The Start

Dear Brookes,
This a love letter. A love letter to my soul.

This is your place to be creative.  A place to be yourself. A place to make pretty things.  A place to learn and grow.

I saw Elizabeth Gilbert the author of Eat Pray Love speak about a year ago.  She described herself as a "jackhammer." Someone who has always been totally focused on her goal of writing. Constantly pounding out her passion day after day. She was born knowing what she wanted in life, to be a writer. When she described herself as a jackhammer I instantly thought I have never felt that way. She went on to say some people are hummingbirds.  They fly from one place to another doing a little of this and that waiting to be struck by passion.  I was a hummingbird until I started making jewelry, and now I am razor focused working hard everyday on jewelry. I found something that makes me excited.

This is a love letter to myself because it is never to late too find passion in work you love. Each piece of jewelry is a celebration because I found something that makes me excited to get up in the morning. I am now a jackhammer!
The start...

A place to document my creativity as a jewelry maker. 
A place to tell you about what I have learned.
A place to see where I go.

I think it will be fun.  Come along for the ride if you like.

Brooke aka Dear Brookes


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